Can't start, no spark getting to plugs

Yes, if you are geting good spark from the hot wire from the coil but not to the plugs, then the problem is in the cap or rotor or whatever is turning the rotor button.

As lonewolf says, describe how you are testing the spark to the distributor cap and then how you are testing out of the plug wires; we need to first get some confidence that the spark from the coil to the distributor is actually good as you say. Also, dry out the inside of the cap with a clean, dry cotton or similar cloth and retry.

The fact that it almost starts on the 1st or 2nd tries but not later tries, may say that the engine is getting flooded, and if this is the case, that issue should be ignored for now. If you smell lots of gas from the carb after trying, it probably is flooding. Do you need help on how to check for proper choke operation? Do you pump the accelrator pedal a lot while trying to start?