1968 Dart question....

Look this is just my opinion but REALLY! Your going to try and unwind a trade your dad did before he died! Why? The tractor might be worth more than the car running or not. I just don't understand this thinking, I'll stop before saying something stupid. :banghead:

They are cool tractors!

They sure were if complete in having all there parts to be assembled but this tractor is not!

The motor is locked up (starting crank won't even spin it, with the battery cables removed, and the pressure released off the cylinders.) Notto mention 3 flat tires that rolled off a trailer and slide as they are right now when it was delivered.

A lot of small missing parts not to be found anywhere....Rust, weighs more then the actual steel in this one......

Within the trade, granted in the state of PA, and or Somerset County PA, a trade can take place between 2 people as a verbal agreement, BUT, in this trade my Dad was in business for himself as a small engine repairman, with a full shop. SO, the trade HAD by law to be put into writing, and in the end, claimed. SADLY with that, the trade is not equal, as agreed upon. Makes for me and my Step-Mom to be paying the state for the trade, itself, as a tax claim, and then to pay to have the tractor removed for scrap, and to have it tested for any and all liquids removed and recycled. Needless to say, about $3,000 worth total! The tractor isn't worth beans right now....PLUS it sets in a barn my Dad rented for storage.....Which has to go for reasons hes not around to make up the difference in cost for the shop....So....Because of all these things considered and the trade NOT finished by either the other guy, OR my Dad, neither has claimed it either, we need to unwind it to make it right as the guy is going to get off with a car that he can get serious money for, and me and my Step-Mom stuck paying the bill......

Granted, I know my Dad well, and he seen something in this tractor, for all I know he knew someone that had parts and was trying to get it all together to rebuild this thing, BUT hes gone and there are no notes of this anywhere.....As the Farmall "H" would have been a good chunk in their pockets had it been complete and running, you know? BUT this is also my Dad too....... He was the type to do something, and think the best of everyone, kind of "turn the other cheek" so to speak, as he was a good Christian guy.....BUT, being Christian doesn't say be a chump either....Not saying he was that, as I know how Dad was, he seen something, I just don't have the whole story, nor all who he may have tried getting involved in it to get all that was needed as this tractor is afterall a 1942 model.....

Crapy that its an unfinished deal, BUT good as it can be reversed.....Sadly when my Step-Mom and are done with this, the other guy isn't going to be very happy, BUT as the paperwork states and is signed by both, this tractor is far from what it was said to be! At this point in time, my Step-Mom knows a guy with a trailer, and I plan to pay him to go and get the tractor, and take it back to the guy it rightfully belonged too, and have him bring the car to the house on the same trailer AFTER the tractor is dropped off, and pay him myself for his work and effort....And the guy to do this I've spoken too and hes willing (a friend, you know?) but sees the issue and why on all this.....

THEN because of the whole thing being "claimed" due to the business, she and I both have to sign off on it being stated as un-done trade due to death......

Seriously, this trade.... theres 8 parts to the paperwork! Imagine that!?