1968 Dart question....

As it is for everyone here...... the trade wasn't by far, fair, its going to cost more to unwind the whole trade, then the tractor is worth....As I read though the trade papers the tractor was to be sold. And the cost split between the 2 people, equally 50/50..........HOWEVER that cost, that would have paid my father, would have exceeded the value of the car as-is....

At this point in time, the tractor is going to cost more then the whole trade is worth! Just to get rid of it.......

Granted the car, is not perfect, BUT requires NO work to do a single thing to it.......See, the tractor being a '42 Farmall "H" is well worth over $68,000 right NOW. In "desirable condition" that's way more then the Dart would sell for in its current shape. BUT with the laws, and closing the business from Dads death this was something that needs signed off on, the guy with the Dart, was wanting "his half" of the funds from the trade itself! Matter of fact, wants it out of my Dads death insurance..........As to seeing that was thee "end" deal in this trade. WELL neither person Dan or My Father John, has signed off any of the paper work.....Told both my Step-Mom and I at 2 different times, until he has a check in-hand for the tractors sale, the deal will not be signed-off on, and then says you need that paperwork to close the business....ONCE this goes to court as I'm sure he's going to do, then the judge will be able to say if the business can be closed otherwise we're still paying shop taxes to the state, and the town the business is in from the PA residence, business taxes are concerned, will end.

I can't see paying a guy 34,000 dollars from a Death insurance policy, that wasn't by far complete, not to mention, the tractor right now isn't worth $1,000. (we have had it appraised by a guy that deals in collectable tractor sales and value.) The pictured tractor, above that someone posted, is probably worth a bit more, almost double what I got told as that's a near mint restore. The deal in the trade was to make the current tractor a "desirable sale". Meaning less then whats pictured.

Whats more. My Dad's Death insurance policy, was only $30,000 Meaning, that My Step-Mom and I would have to cough up another $4,000, PLUS my Dads whole funeral bill..........

See, the whole thing is un-real, some people just don't care and look out for themselves. This guy Dan, is threatened to go to the law if not paid, and as-is, ain't a thing worth the $34,000 he wants nor do either I or my Step-Mom have that kind of money even with the Death Insurance...

This is why I was looking into the car being complete as if this goes the other way, it too will be sold. This is saying, if a judge requires us to "sell-out" in the whole mess....

With the whole mess, its just a matter to get to a place that, will allow us, to close the business, and get this on the right foot and end it, you know? BUT as per state laws.......... unfinished business with a business that's claimed a trade, for Gods sake people, please, learn from this, its a bitter-sweet end, and hell, at this point, I'm not sure where it may end up even yet, with no signatures of either party and not knowing what my Dad has said to this guy, (Hell, I don't even know of this guy, Dan from my Dad when alive spoke about him......

IF anything has to be sold as-per state requirement, it will go towards the state business tax, that this whole single trade has conjured up!!!! As that too must be paid in full to close the business!