batteries!? shortage of lead!???

Not good peoples...we need to be able to melt and remanufacture our own lead for many reasons,so our lead scrap will be sold off to a foreign country to make batteries and such in which we know the quality will be **** and pay 3 times what we are paying now for a $75 battery will cost us over $250, the reloaders will really go underground now...when we cant make everything we need and use we become dependent on other countries for inferior products and inflated costs and are at their mercy, over some dumbass politicians and powers that be selling us out,this green thing and epa and the govt always policing everything is eroding and infringing our ways of life and freedoms and independence all in the name of environmental and green BS and national security...a little at a time til we cannot do anything about's the same thing been going on with all our other resources,metals etc...