Fiberglass fenders- junk

Just Goggle SHOW CARS-BODY PARTS complaints and see all the stuff comes up on Rob & his company.

1967 'Cuda did you see any markings on the inside of your fenders saying T&N fiberglass? That looks like his parts and Rob does buy parts off of him (that is when he can convince him to sell them to him)

WOW! I took your suggestion and Googled SHOW CARS-BODY PARTS complaints and saw a lot of bad being said. One person wrote that they insisted they be paid by money order and refused his credit card. - That seemed strange to me because they used my card.

So then I thought I'd Google SHOW CARS - BODY PARTS REVIEW to see if I'd see anything positive. I didn't find anything good being said.

After the Google search, I'm really wondering how I wasn't screwed. Maybe someone else did make the parts they sent me.

I decided to call them back up to see if they'd send me a copy of records of the parts they'd sent me. (I didn't keep any of the records) I'm hoping that something on the receipts or invoices will have a clue on it if someone else fabbed them. They said I'd get a copy of the records via email by the end of the week.