Champion Radiators Rant!!

I'm not pissed off. I pointed out that I see someone going on the internet and whining about a company who did exactly what they said they would do.

You realize it was a whole 2 days after you say you called, right? And also that most companies don't work weekends, right? And also that you may not be their only customer, right?

Calm the hell down and get the facts straight from them before you go making complaints on a public forum. You may be bitching for nothing.

Actually I've called and emailed both days and nothing. That's Friday and Monday of calling and emailing.
And no, they haven't done all they said they would do. What business sends a shipping confirmation without telling you what they're shipping, and on top of that the tracking number is comes up invalid as well. Not to mention, I haven't been refunded my $210 yet? Why hold on to the money still after sending 2 radiators out??