Wife wants me to get rid of ride!

Talking things over with your spouse is a must. Working together on budgets, projects, and other things is a recipe of love, trust & honesty, and years of happiness to come. BUT, turning to a "support" group about your wifes comment is spineless. I hope she slaps your pink face and tells you that you have to sell the willys and the duster. A MAN would know his finances, and know if he could afford something or not. He would know if his honey was being a control freak or not. YOU know what your finances are and if you cant afford something, do the right thing. If you can afford something (and still be fair to your wifes desires for her projects), then stand up. A man that needs a crowd to approach his wife is a mouse.... no matter the physical stature........ :) signed with much mopar love... 318willrun

Boy your husband is going to be pissed when he reads what you just posted!