Ripped off

Lol? If you are talking about me I don't flip parts. To me flipping parts is buying single parts and reselling them.
Also I do use bubble wrap and other packing materials. Your comment was irrelevant to this due to the fact I use proper packing items. If you have a glass tail light packed perfectly with all the packing materials in the world and the post office tasks and sets them In the middle of a stack of other boxes with 15 other boxes on it there's a 99% chance it will break...

Sorry, that doesn't wash. You have other guys saying that you used one piece of bubble wrap and then acted surprised that parts got there smashed.

Now, you stick a part in a box, tape it shut, and then act like it's a surprise that it didn't arrive at it's destination.

My question was more of a broad based question, by the way, using this as an example. I read a lot of guys on here, almost constantly whining, droning on about flippers and how the money they make is "ruining the hobby."

Now, I'm seeing a few of those same members chiming in in defense of you. How is the money the "flipper" makes so much more evil than you skimping on proper packaging to make sure the buyer gets his part in a usable condition? Ah, FABO's hypocrisy strikes again.

That's what you're doing, by the way, skimping on proper packaging. It's not that hard to read on here those who have worked for the package delivery companies saying, repeatedly, over and over again, for years, that you package something like it was going to be put in a gorilla cage. But you laugh and call it "proper" packaging when someone talks about a taillight arriving with one sheet of low density bubble wrap around it.