Ripped off

" (Quote) I did not pay the extra money and not be able to get it due to him not wanting to help"

Anyone who ships using priority mail knows $50.00 worth of insurance is free with the service. Also, where is the receipt issued when the package was sent?

I am holding a USPS Receipt in my hand as this is being written. On it there is the following notes.

For Tracking inquires go to or call 1-800-222-1811-----------Save this receipt as evidence of insurance. For information on filing an insurance claim go to

Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe I read somewhere in this thread that you did not retain the receipt. If so, the USPS is going to make things difficult to collect the insurance. This will most likely take several weeks. Why should the buyer need to wait for this process before getting refunded? I bet that if you were willing to end this pissing contest and offer to refund the buyer now, he would be willing to provide you with the information needed by USPS. It may be debatable whether or not the part was packaged correctly or if it was mishandled by USPS, but it is for certain that the failure of the part not being delivered is in no way, the buyers fault.

Why should you hold his $65.00 hostage pending a successful endeavor to collect an insurance claim. Just my opinion but this is not a very smart way of doing business.

Somthing I think needs to be said loud and clear. He needs the part pretty bad there is a 99% chance I can get him the item if he would work with me. From what my post office lady told me was there is only one place in the USA where items such as this go. It it's to a big sort facility that they handle nothing but these issues. I can get the part to him and resolve the issue fairly quick if he would work with me. If the part can't be found then there is the insurance money to fall back on
And I did get the receipt was thinking of somthing else when I said i did not get it