Can we get the planets and paper towels aligned?

Really didn't know where to post this, but to me this is not trivial, have you noticed this in your area?

I have gotten more and more pissed off at the local Safeway and Albertsons grocery and now it turns out ...........they are merging. The straw broke the other night with a confrontation with a less than helpful checkout who thought it might be more important to plan her next pawty with her buddy in the next lane than help me, but I digress........

I always used to buy TWO KINDS OF paper towels, and they always met the following criteria:

1........Either "Brawny" or "Bounty" brand

2........Always "full size" IE not the stupid "select a size"

3........"oversize" rolls

4........Nice big packages of several rolls of "as many as I can get" Sometimes 6, 8, whatever

So in the last year, this is not to be.............

And when I looked around for "other" places to shop, I found that "Super One"

ALSO DID NOT HAVE towels which meet the above!!!!!!

The only thing they had were little bitty rolls, or if they had nice big fat rolls, they'd be packages of maybe TWO rolls!!!!


I can NOT find any effin' paper towels that a man can use that work!!!!