my little girl is getting used to her motorcycle..:)

That is so awesome! She will never forget these memories!

My brother had a little Honda 90cc pit bike. My daughter was probably 7 at the time. She wanted to try. I just had her stay in 1st gear and away she went. I never ran so much in my life. I had to help her turn around in the corners. After about a half hour of running back and forth across the yard I just could not do it anymore... Felt like my heart was going to explode out of my chest! She wasnt done though. So I told her to be careful. She basically looked at me like.... I got this dad... Yep, away she went again. She did it no problem all on her own. She ran that bike thru 2 tanks of gas that day. By the end of the day she was just tearing around the corners like a little racer...

Thanks for posting this up.. it really reminds me of when I was teaching my daughter and brought a smile to my face.. Have fun and be safe!

lol.. yea i'm glad i got in shape or i'd be dead chasing her around.. thats a cool story.