Swinger or scamp seat belt

you have seen this and it is strange that a 74 swinger would not be the same.

but the top center anchor bolts to the ceiling area about where the door jam is and the covered part of the belt bolts to the area of the rocker/floor behind the seat and the exposed belt anchor bolts into a small cubby hole in the wall area just below the top of the rear seat.

and the other pic is where it all bolts up and you cant see the top one but gives you a great idea where it bolts and it clearly shows where the other two bolt in

knowing this wont work and you have bought another set that did not work maybe you should post pics here of your actual car and anchor points so people can get a better idea of what you are working with and what you need.

View attachment seatbelt.jpg

View attachment seatbelt1.jpg