A904 Cooler lines with 5.9 Magnum- like a demented puzzle?

I haven't tried installing any with everything in place but have you tried bending the lines to get them snaked through then bend them back to where they need to be? A lot of the time you need to tweak them anyway because their not always bent exactly right. I'd sure try that before I took any major components off.

This isn't a bad idea. I may go this route... Thanks!

I installed mine with the 727 in my 340 duster after the engine and tranny were installed don't remember any real problem

This is promising. Sometimes a bit of optimism is all it takes. :)

So if I didn't go the tube-bending route and if I just can't fit the parts together, are braided steel lines a viable option? Has anyone gone this route? If so, where do you hang them?