How strong is your ratchet?

A friend gave me a copy of Hot Rod from Oct. 2013. a couple of days ago. They tested 11 ratchet-handles. The test was only to see how much it took to break them. 10 of them were new and in the $20-25 range. One was a old Craftsman for a yard sale. The half inch drive was held in a fixture. Force was applied one foot down the handle. This made it real easy. The $10 Proto from a swap meet was the only made in the USA one. This one and one of the Duralast failed at about 650 lb-ft. These failed internally as did the old Crafstman (333lb-ft) The rest were Craftsman, Duralast, Gearhead, Husky, Koblat, Pittsburgh Pro, and Powerbulit. Most of these had the socket mount break. Most broke in the 780-830lb-ft area. Think about that kind of force. That is like a 200 lb. guy on a 3ft. cheater bar.
For brute strength only, any of them can handle day to day use. I know there is a whole lot more to to what makes up a "Good" ratchet. Just found this interesting and wanted to share.

well let start with my age (68) and then some of the craftsman tools i have that i got from my dad and who knows where some of them came from
ratchets im sure like most i have used and abused them i keep a pipe in the bottom of my box that i have shapped one end to fix i'd have to check for sure but has to be 24inches or better i haven't broken any yet i have bent a couple and braker bars i have put the pipe on and then stood on the end of the pipe and bounched i think most tool not all can take a beating