Windows xp no more security patches

Windows 7 would an ok candidate for a newer operating system, if your computer isn't so ancient that it won't run it.

I'd avoid Windows Vista, it's a massive resource hog. And avoid Windows 8, that's a nightmare that would scare even Freddy Kruger.

I have Windows 7 on my Laptop and don't really have any complaints about it.

That being said, my Shop Computer, Shop Laptop and Personal Desktop all still run Windows XP. Actually, come to think of it, I've had the same Wallpaper/Desktop on the Desktop in my living room since 2006 or so and that desktop hasn't been rebooted since 2008. Sucks that they've ended support for it, because I don't plan on upgrading those 3 computers anytime soon.

Same here 74Duster :glasses7: I run Windows XP, but with what I am seeing I won't be protected and they are saying hackers are heading our way :violent1:
All of this was on the news last night, my computer was build by my brother 7 years ago out of spare parts, he is a Danka Teck/sales person and has allot on his plate right now (don't want to go threw that here ) so I am thinking a new computer or lap top :coffee2: . from what I understand a program is about $100.00 and I don't think my old computer is worthy of that kind of investment .. I tried using a lap top and did not like it, but looks like I may have to get use to one :sad1: Thank you :coffee2: