Windows xp no more security patches

without Internet Explorer " Another Virus Prone delima……

There's your biggest problem...Internet Exploder. :prayer:

I switched to Google Chrome years ago to get away from Incompetent Explorer. There's plenty of alternatives out there you could use. Actually I don't think there's anything out there that doesn't support Chrome now.

Mac's are really nice, too pricey for me to cross that bridge though. I've had 2 Macs over the years, an older G3 Mac and a Power Book 170 and loved them. Especially considering that both of them were given to me for free.

Yes, I said Power Book 170... It had 4mb of ram, a 40mb hard drive and a Black & White Screen. Battery life was about 15 - 20 minutes. I wrote a large portion of a novel on that old 170, pretty sure it still works too. It just hasn't been booted up in probably 14 years.