Well the insurance company finally called...


It is you that must take the bull by the horns. I highly recommend communication thru email, they will not like it but just tell them you cannot take calls at work and it is better to email that way you can take the time to respond correctly. Ask questions in writing and demand the answers back in writing only.

Demand the report be emailed to you, go over it and ask questions about their findings. Attach in your reply your findings based upon your market with comparable vehicle. Then produce receipts for your add ons if you can.

I would dispute using a "blue book" or averaging and ask them to supply written policy language that "value" will based upon average blue book price (however they worded it.

You need to sit down and write down all detail, dates who you talked to , things they told you etc. That way you can ask they what they meant when they said... and what were they trying to accomplish when they told you...

You get the idea of why it is important to document.

You must set it up so you have ammunition if you need to use it. "Bad Faith Claims" are not taken lightly. Things that are said over the phone cannot be proven, "I never said that"