landline telephone question

Depends on "your local" phone co. Up to about 95? I serviced HVAC. Remember when? Ma Bell? and others began to be broke up and that HORRID bunch of cheap, "you buy'em" phones began to appear? I'd be in a customer's kitchen, calling back to our shop, as I'd gotten a pager alert, or needed parts, or whatever. I'd call the shop no, and get the familiar d d d d d d d d d d d d in the ear, because even though it was a keypad phone, the selector on the bottom was set on "pulse dialing." Often, I would not say anything, LOL, I would just quietly CHANGE it. This made dialing a LOT quicker for the customer

Later, when I was working for Motorola, upgrading some of the 911 stuff, "noise" was starting to "be made" by some of the phone co's that they would "no longer support" pulse dialing for much longer. So far as I know, they don't, around here. I'm pretty sure analog cell is not supported, either.

On a side note, Motorola used to sell what amounts to a mobile / bag phone (cellular) module for stuff like big boats. OK, yachts. This was a cell module with (I forget the name) one of those special modems built in. What this amounted to is, you mounted this module somewhere up on the yacht, OK, 'small ship' with antenna, and wired the thing with conventional phone wire. You could just hook a "regular" POTS phone to the damn thing and it gave you a dial tone!!!! You could use this for phones fax, or low speed computers modems, whatever you wanted. Of course this cost you. Plenty.

"Back in the day" when I was at the amateur club at K6NCG, at Treasure Island, I REALLY set a ham club meeting on it's ear

Someone had made some horrid unauthorized phone call. Now most of use didn't understand. It wasn't simply "long distance" This was San Francisco, and they had these "in between calls, what in hell were they called? Toll something............ So anyhow, they put a DIAL LOCK on the phone!!!! I spoke up and said "Hell that won't stop anybody!!!!" They looked at me like I was from Mars!!! I proceeded to punch the hanger switch 10 times and got the operator!!!!

THIS phone!!!