Just get me home!

1960 comet wagon throttle cable broke. Pulled off shoe laces tied em together and ran through gap in hood and wing window and got home.

Snapped an axle shaft in 98 wrangler, got it to pavement and every few hundred feet had to swerve at the curb to push the tire/axle back in the housing to get home.

Fried wiring harness in my barracuda and it would die if you turned the lights on. It was midnight after a concert and I had school the next day. Drove home with the lights off being pulled over a few times being told to leave the car and ride home with my friends who were following or leading me. Each time got pulled over drove around the block in friends car came back push started my car and kept on going.

My buddy was out of town and let me use his 68 camaro. Now he had wrecked front end doing a burn out leaving are high school so it had no grill. I was on a back road and picked up a rock in the radiator. Was able to get to a small store. Through a couple eggs in the radiator and chewed some gum and wadded the gum into/around the hole and got home. Then brazed the radiator and it was good as new.

I've done the starting in gear and shifting with out a clutch in the Bcuda quite a few times.

Was out wheeling in my cherokee and hit a mud pit to fast killed my jeep. Pulled of the intake tube and used two pen tubes jammed together as a straw to get the water out of the intake, wd 40'd the distributor and drove home.

I've got quite a few more of these stories. Great thread idea!! I get in these predicaments and I just say "What would Megiver do"