landline telephone question

living here in south west Missouri must be similar to other parts of the backwood world!!????
my grip is the phone systems here are like every company has a different on , some are decent some are crap!! my county is very unpopulated so they will never spend any money on the system here. just go new computer because old one was wore out, no memory and ran XP. I admit i'm a 66 yr old dinosaur, I hate modern electronics. give me the rotary phone back! LO
every day, some da____ S__ calls here trying to sell me something, ask for donation I can't afford, or some polioctical recoding. !!! I got new computer on satellite dish, I think I will just get a d_____ cell phone!!!! LOL ( no ipad or u pad). !!!! LOL
who gives ya a free phone and ya pay by the minute?????? I make maybe 1 call per keek, sometimes per mionth!!??????????????????? LOl NO really................