Tire size/type ideas?

One more thing, I cant really ask how much you weigh so I'll say this, uness you are a fellow person of substantial weight, you probably don't wanna run the superstock rear springs. My dad says my car rides to rough like a 3/4 ton truck but I find my suspension firm but not harsh and I have over 100lbs. On dad. When we ride in the dart together it actually rides like a car lol!

You were pointed to Espo springs n things for new rear springs, check out mancini racing for their OEM XHD springs. +2" should set the back of your car where mine is with a softer ride.
Yeah i get what you're saying! I definitely don't have as much weight as anyone who drives a dart unless there are other 18 year old girls driving one, but you are right, I looked at it today because it's been sitting for almost 3 years now, and a rear end like yours would suit my taste nicely. I have someone helping me also, and he did mention that it would reduce handling if I raised it, so thank you for your input and I will check out those springs! Might be silly of me to ask, but what are the bars that are sticking out of the rear end on your car, leaf springs if I am correct?