landline telephone question

My phone works fine!! And so does the transistor radio you see sitting on the phone. I had to buy a converter to convert the rotary pulses to tones but otherwise it works great.
It was really funny when my 15 year old grandson came over after I had installed the phone. He's all into the high tech stuff and I asked him, "you're into tech stuff, do you know how to use this phone??" He examined it for a few minutes (he didn't want to be embarrassed), then he lifted the ear piece and put it to his ear and heard a dial tone....he says, "Oh yea, this is easy". He then proceeded to poke at each number with his finger tip thinking it was similar to the old push button phones!!! I laughed so hard I couldn't stop!! He said, "That's not funny Grandpa", I said "The hell it isn't!!!!!!
