Building out a 273 recommendations

Just a thought, If your budget is $7-8,000 you will need to shop wisely. I spent $3 on my 273 and paint and body work here in the Midwest is at least $5,000. There goes my budget and prices in Cali are higher I would think. If your 273 runs well and doesn't blow lot's of blue out the tail pipe you might want to leave it as is mechanically and put a electronic ign. kit in the distributor and re-curve it. If you go too far overboard with the engine it always leads to other parts to make it all work. Headers and good exhaust are well over $1000 and of course you will need a different transmission and shifter as well as a heavier rear end. There's more $$$$'s tmm

Good advice here. Once you tweak one thing,other parts & systems need massaging. Costs add quickly.