Transporting glass

Get some pvc and the foam wrap they put over it to prevent freezing and build a rack would be one option. Glass has a better chance of not breaking if it is transported upright.

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I have also used mattresses to transport glass but I haven't hauled it 300 miles.

at the glass pant I worked at if we wanted to transport 1 or 2 pieces of glass to a different plant or to do a remote repair we would just use 2"x4"'s drilled like the above rack using 1/2 inch wooden dowel rods instead of metal. they were spaced about 1 to 2 inches apart due to the different curvatures of the glass being transported. We would have the top piece a 2"x4" with the holes drilled all the way through and a 1 inch layer of fclosed cell foam to help hold the glass in position and cushion it. It was NOT locked down solid tight on the top of the glass(just clamped onto the dowel rods to prevent coming off while driving). The bottom was locked down solid to the bed of the truck with snatch straps or bolted to the bed if using a company truck. I transported glass that way as far as Chicago from Detroit where the plant was located.