Ontario interview tomorrow....

Well Steve, if you get the job, I will take you fishing on the lake we stay at in July. The fishing is awesome!
I hope that you did well in the interview and didn't get anyone's name mixed up or anything like that, cause you seem to have forgotten mine..... LOL :hmph:

Jeez Andy Im sorry...:violent1: I didnt forget yer name I looked quick and thought it was Cannucky...:oops:
Thanks for the offer, that sounds awesome!! I think I might get ready and pull my rod out right now!:glasses7:

Aahhhh you'll do fine as long as you weren't standing in front of the mirror taking pictures of yourself. :poke:

LOL, thanks Bruce. Once bitten.....

Just charm them like you did us, and by the time they figure you out it will be to late! Just kidding buddy- best of luck and follow your heart.

Yep I can usually fool the best of them on 1st impressions. Thanks John!

Go with your gut Stevie old boy. I know whatever way you choose it will be for what's best! Best of luck pal..

Thanks Craig! I keep checking the Innisfil site for job postings.
Hope all is well with you bud!

Good luck

I have given about 13 interviews in the last two months, being the interviewer isn't much fun either. Nice that you got to skype the interview, it's very hard to get a vibe of a person when doing it by phone.

I agree with by phone, I was hoping they would offer that LOL

Be yourself.

NOT a good idea LOL

Positive thoughts are on the way for you....... Closer to home sounds awesome 8-)

Or quacking like a duck LMAO :oops:
LOL, I did opt out of the pants for the interview!

Anything that gets you closer to home is a step in the right direction. Very best of luck! You've made an incredible sacrifice so far, I hope you can make your way back home. Jim

Thanks Jim, it means a lot. Im not the only one though making the sacrifice, Lori and the rest of my family has had to endure the bs as well.

Thanks again all, at least I know I have one job on the table if I choose to take it.