Flywheel questions...

I get the whole " I did it my way" bit. I have never even heard of the MA5 until now, if it really is proven then good deal. I thought Dakotas used a NV3500 or something like that? I have a buddy with an 04 Cobra T56 that he wants gone too. Seems to me the Tremecs are twice as "readily available" as some junkyard Dakota trans. Different strokes for different folks I guess, everyone always seems to have plenty of $$$$ to do things right the second time. Good luck I will remove my chip from my shoulder sir.

It doesn't really have anything to do with "doing it my way," it's got a lot more to do with the amount of money it costs to do one these swaps. I just can't reasonably afford to do everything the way everyone else might think is ideal. I appreciate you weighing in and taking a stance, differing opinions breed conflict by nature and conflict leads to resolution. I believe in looking at an issue from every angle to find the best possible solution, everyone has a different perspective. I'm not trying to be a dick, I'm sure that's not your intention either. We're all here to learn last I checked.

I'm pretty sure the Dakota uses an AX15... I don't want to assume that you don't know the MA5 isn't from behind the Dakota but I guess I'm having a hard time reading you... The MA5 transmission is an Aisin transmission built to go behind the Colorado/Canyon/Isuzu trucks and also the Solstice in a slightly modified form(1.37 vs 1.51 3rd gear/remote shifter). In the Solstice many folks have made stout power with turbo's and even LS1 conversions, nary a mention of any transmission issues.

I don't have anything against somebody using a T56, a TR6060, a G-force straight cut racing tranny, etc. To me it's just what gets the job done... For me, I feel pretty confident the MA5 will get the job done. It's really all about what you're trying to accomplish. I don't disagree that Tremec is a well known company with some proven stuff, I just know that when I go to a junk yard I'm not gonna find a T-56 for $350... Much less a TKO since they were never factory. T-5's aren't exactly known for their stock strength.

I don't know how familiar you are with Buschi340 but that guy runs an R154 Toyota Supra trans behind a 6.1 hemi for years now and I'm relatively sure he beats on it on the autobahn. He blew up his engine after years of driving that car and to my knowledge still has no issues with his transmission. Now, the MA5 is, essentially, a modern upgraded R154 with triple cone synchros in 1/2, doubles in 3/4.

So, a 3.9L Dakota bellhousing with an 11" flywheel(drilled for either clutch), 10.5/11" clutch, stock hemi truck starter, hydraulic throwout bearing or slave depending on which way I decide to go... I guess I can't see where I lose, should drive just like a modern car.