holley 670

If this is a more race oriented vehicle, then I would change almost everything....almost nothing in your combo matches to make this thing go fast (no offence). As far as the carb, yes it is a little small, and again, if this is race oriented I would have gone with a double pumper for ease of tuning (preferably a 750).

With that said, you will need to tune the carb to get it to work well whether or not it is new or used (I'm assuming used since you traded work for it)...and if it is used you might have even more work ahead of you because who knows what the previous owner did to it.

I would start by going to a test and tune night, getting a base line, then jet for the best MPH. As far as the bog, that would be in your pump cams and shooters more than likely.

Very nice looking truck by the way :-)

The truck was not built or intended for racing. I have much faster vehicles that I run in other classes. But for the street tire class im having a lot of fun messing with the pickup. Which by the way started last year at a staggering 10.54 at 67MPH! So ive made progress!

SO, it turns out after researching a little bit that I indeed did have a 750 eddy on it not a 600 as I thought. So I guess that would likely explain my loss of top end. :banghead:

That being said is it worth messing with the holley to get it to perform the way I think it should or is it a lost cause and I should go back to the eddy and start tuning on that unit?

This is why we do research before swapping parts! Let me be an example to the rest of ya!