I am a big softie...

I guess I'm a softie too, in 2009 a young cat almost got run over in front of my workplace, the car stopped and the cat was underneath the center of the car, I motioned the driver to slowly move forward while I watched the cat, just as the rear wheels passed, the cat darted to the side under a pickup truck so I gave the driver a thumbs up and off he went.
Meanwhile the cat started crying under the truck constantly, after about 2 minutes of that I just couldn't take it anymore, I went across the street and sat on the curb talking to him and praying he didn't bolt back in the street again, and all he did was jump up on the rear diff and sit there. I was able to pet him and after a few minutes had him in my arms. "Moe" as we named him and his brother live with us, but that is another story.