International Scout.......

Me and my son drove my Duster to the landowner and introduced ourselves.. I showed him my Duster and explained how I wanted to find a father-son project and we where interested in the Scout.... You will NEVER guess in a million years what the 70 year old man said....."No. I'm going to fix it up one of these days." Ha ha... Geesh.. How many times can I hear those words in my life... Anyway the man was nice and was actually a car guy.. He really liked my Duster and he had pretty nice 71 4 speed Corvette and several old mid 60's Chevy trucks along with another Scout( that he said he would sell) and an old Triumph Spitfire. As we left I explained to my son how many times I had heard that since I was about 16 years old and we would keep looking for something better...:wack: