SFI Question

A Letter from NHRA doesn't cost anything, just email NHRA tech. off their websight, they will answer you, then print it.
Also, FYI.
The rule book does say 2 year SFI on window nets, but everybody complained. It IS NOT required anymore. I have tons of friends that run S/ST, they set me straight, just before I bought a new one.
I just had a ETI (extended tech inspection) on my car down to 7:50 & slower, and it didn't need a 2 yr. date. I even asked, just in case I go to another track. This was the NW division 6 NHRA techs that did my car. They are super strict, but spot on always.
No, you don't need a net 10:00 and slower, even with a roll cage. I been down that road too.
Again, just ask NHRA in Glendora, or your local division tech via email, whenever anything is un-clear. They will set you straight nicely.Then print it.
I have an email into them now, over alcohol, and fire suite requirment. I know the answer, but I want to be 100% sure I am reading it right. The book does get confusing, and they change the rules a lot.
How about the muffler thing a few years back that they went nuts about. Do they care now?
Step into 7:49 and faster, and it will rock your world!
P.S. They are really cracking down on engine diapers on 9:99 & faster cars this year, even in S/Pro.