Old people should not drive...

WOW. to the guy in the accident, this as was said, why people have insurance...

To Tet, the guy with a smart *** additude on driving OLD cars, WHY don't you drive ALL those you have instead of that 13 Challenger? There obsolete too yeah? I got a 67 power wagon that would literally walk over ANY of those you mentioned, without question, BUT, wouldn't because I'm not stupid. And know HOW to drive.....

In the state I reside in, currently, once you hit 70, once a year your re-given your drivers test, and like normally if failed 3 times in I think a month you Permanently loose that PRIVILEGE!!!!!

Dangerous, or not, its not right if the guy was LEGALLY parked at a stop sign and was hit by an oncoming car, that because of age mistook the gas for the brake....

HOW does that make his OLD car, obsolete?