Is it worth saving

Nothing is worth saving anymore, you'll never get back what you have into it. I'm starting to realize that, and it is because of people on here thinking that if it isn't a hemi car or 6 pack car it is junk, so I am scrapping everything. I just got $330 for a 75 dart 2 door roller from a local scrapyard, which is better than what anyone on here would offer me.

Lot of folks say they are all "worth saving".....must be nice to have monstrously deep pockets...75 a-body..../6 auto.....what is worth perfectly restored? 25% of what it takes to get it there? Hardly worth it form a dollar stand point.....this is why I can't help but chuckle when I see people freaking out over someone swapping in a LS or a Windsor power plant.....or a 'glide/700/60 or 80 e trans etc into a /6 junker....folks....the car is worthless...what's the difference what it has under the hood? Would much rather see someone "hot rod" a Dart like ours, /63onthetree than let it sit on a field...serving as a rodent inn....