Help with my wheels 68 Dart

Alright... from what i read earlier, my pattern "should" be a 5 X 4.00 given my vehicle. If memory serves, I do have 5 lug... So that explains the 5 in the 5 X 4... I think there is some confusion on the 4.00 / 4.25 / 4.50 part of that.
Unfortunately the car is at the shop getting some shocks and minor bits, so i cant take a pic / do measurements. I think ideally, if I have read correct, i need a 14 inch, (whatever width i like that fits), 5 (lug) x 4.00 (?) wheel...
I think this is where my confusion came from... most wheels read like this:
Example only
Size: 15'' x 6''
Bolt Circle: 5 x 4-1/2" (4.50)
Rear Spacing: 3-3/4''

If my wheel is in fact a 5 x 4.25 bolt circle, I can swap my 13's to 14's as longs as the bolt cirlce numbers match without problem correct?
Unless I broke that down like a dummy... which i am fully capable of... haha

Again thanks for all the links and help...