
Ernie used to see a homeless woman with a dog when she was going to work. She left an hour early one day and took her to lunch. She was one of those folks that just fell on hard times. Once or twice a week Ernie would stop at Jack in the Box and bring her some food. We would give her a small bag of dog food every week. One day she was gone, always wondered what happened to her & the pooch. Used to be homeless camp in the field across the road form the Post Office I worked at. Once a day I would go out and get the mail from the collection box. One of them would often come over and smack the side of the collection box with his cane. Enough of us complained about him that our boss ended up calling the city. They removed all the shrubs and bushes that they "lived" in and they moved on. When my buddy had his trans shop in downtown Mesa there was this homeless guy that used to preach to everyone. Went to go to lunch with Doug one day and the guy was out there humping a fire hydrant, still preaching....Never seen him after that...

Forgot about the one that hit me up in Walgreens a couple of years ago. Was sitting in the parking lot waiting for Ernie to come out. Woman came up and gave me the sob story that she was on her way back to the coast and ran out of gas..Opened my wallet and gave her a the singles I had it was 6 or 7 bucks. She said to me that she was going to give me the singles exchange for one of the 20's. Took the singles and told her to go f**k off, she was not going to get anything from me...