NEW 2015 Challenger

the Challenger is the only car of the three 2 door V8 cars that actually looks like a modern version of the original car it is named after.

thats only because it was what 4-5 years late to the party and is now a dated look... look at the 05-09 i think it was mustang.. they nailed that design and it looked like the old car a lot, ford even brought it into the interior unlike chrysler who just stuck a standard charger/magnum dash into the challenger. hell the first few years the 05 body style mustang was out chrysler was still trying to convince everyone that retro was dead.

no they have everyone all excited about this hellcat motor they are supposed to come out with. i'll take the i'll believe it when i see it approach and especially it the performance part of it.. :)

and like i have always said if you like the challenger then go buy one. i don't see why guys get their panties in a bunch if someone doesn't like a car that they like. different strokes man... i don't like a car just because it is sold at a chrysler dealer. takes more than a name to get me to like a car.