
Some of the sob stories can be fun.

Had a kid come up to me at a gas station while I was in Florida. Claimed he was in church when he got a phone call saying his mother had been arrested. Nice touch, Choir Boy.

After saying how hungry he was it was a fun set-up. I was with my cousin, Chris. Chris is a recovering addict and dealer who had run the streets. So I had the kid repeat his story, complete with fake sniffling like he'd been crying.

I offered to buy the kid some food and handed Chris a five and told him to take the kid in and get a sandwich. Suddenly I heard "WELL, THEN F*** YOU!" from around the corner of the store with Chris coming stomping back. The kid started mouthing to him about how we didn't "trust a b**** with a dollar."

And Chris fell for it! I could barely drive, I was laughing so hard.

They're easy to spot, but it's amazing how many people fall for the s***. I would sit at the smoke shack at Strong Memorial while Sarah was in a coma and have the seekers come up to me. First thing they'd ask for is to bum a smoke and a light. If you gave in to 'em, they'd sit and start complaining about how they'd been in the ER all day and how no one had seen them, how they were really hurting from *insert fake illness here*

I'd come back out in a few hours and said seeker would have a crowd of people around them, listening to the bull**** and falling for it.