well as the story goes....shhhhh happens

working in Greenville nc today hauling off some dirt and broken stone look back I see a dot officer behind me ..I knew what was about to happen....blue lights dang..lady jumps out im going to weigh you today I knew I was in trouble then..she weigh me and tell me pull around the corner im going to do a full inspection...smh all is well with the inspection except 1 brake is 1/8th out of adjustment and my driver windshield has a crack she said if its in the book im going to shut you down...well im close but not there yet pass with a slap on the hand...now comes the bend over and take it with no grease part..your over weight by 17300lbs what the :banghead: I saw you you didn't have your drop axle down..i said I had just turned and its slow going down ..ok I understand but it wasn't down..i said it was down after I turned and you stop me it was down..well here is your ticket its a lot she said ..whats a lot 1140.00 dollars for over weight.... :axe::axe: man how can a working man make it in this world...she wouldn't take it that my axle was down cause she saw me while it was up..had just turned...so weighed me as a tandom axle truck not tri.....:sad1::sad1::sad1::sad1::sad1::sad1: every time you think things are getting better then you get a kick in the rear of life..just crazy......well my rant is over sorry for this crazy post but had to vent....:pukerigh::pukerigh::pukerigh::pukerigh::pukerigh: