Is it worth saving

Lot of folks say they are all "worth saving".....must be nice to have monstrously deep pockets...75 a-body..../6 auto.....what is worth perfectly restored? 25% of what it takes to get it there? Hardly worth it form a dollar stand point.....this is why I can't help but chuckle when I see people freaking out over someone swapping in a LS or a Windsor power plant.....or a 'glide/700/60 or 80 e trans etc into a /6 junker....folks....the car is worthless...what's the difference what it has under the hood? Would much rather see someone "hot rod" a Dart like ours, /63onthetree than let it sit on a field...serving as a rodent inn....

Wise words. Also part of the reason I sold my Mopars. It's funny. I tried for 10 years to get a Mopar going. All I did was dig our hole deeper. Now I am probably two months away from having my little Ford project driving. Some attitudes right here on this very forum helped me make up my mind.