
Some one is in jail...there girl friend is hitting every one up for bail...toddler screaming about her arm hurting, deadbeat dad twisting it....sheriffs called on it...people fighting and arguing.....sister on the verge of a nervous breakdown.....frigging nightmare. I don't know about anybody else but I don't tolerate this crap at all. When I met my wife she was elbow deep in this crap. When she asked me for my opinion I refused to give it to her. Told her that the way I solve problems is not for everyone....To me a family member that is constantly creating drama is like gangrene....and what do you do about gangrene?? You amputate it....I did battle with my family for what seemed to be forever...finally just walked away....and my life got better....go figure...I realize that this is all part of the dynamics of a family....and I also realize why this is why I am, except for my wife, friendless....and also why I like being alone...