
My folks disconnected from most of the extended family when I was young, so I've managed to avoid a bunch of drama that way until recently. My dad is a stand-up guy and has been the executor for relatives' estates, some of which he's had no contact with for years. Cue drama...The sister with the gambling problem that squandered all of her state-donated home-improvement money on slots, the smack-addict cousins recently paroled for killing their dealer and the bible-thumping know-it-alls that like to tell everyone how they should live...All there, holding out their hands. Nothing brings out the worst in people like the chance at free stuff.

My fiancee's family is surprisingly low-drama...Which is very nice.

Very true. Was with my Ex for 6 months or so when her first family member died. By the end of that year 4 of them passed. What a nightmare. They were depression era folks. Did not use a bank, Grandpa had close to 50k stashed in the basement. Charlie knew where it was and took it all. Was so stupid he did not put anything back the way it was before he went and clipped it all. Of course denial denial denial. Could not explain where the new car came from after he told everyone in the family that he could not get a new car thanks to his bad credit...

When I first met Ernie she was having a rough go. Spent many nights sitting at a diner til 3 a.m. chatting. She finally asked for advice....Simply asked her if what she was getting was worth what she was getting...Damn near see the light bulb come on.....

When I hit the roughest part of my life I went to a friend for help. Joe gave me the big blue book, the AAA book. One thing stuck with me, "a wise man does not manufacture his own misery"...pretty good rule to try to live by...

Ernie talked to her sons girlfriend last night. Heard the sure sign of folks who just don't "get it".....nothing but denial. Was not his fault, he was just driving his friends down the road when he got stopped etc...Don't get me wrong, I understand that they are young and all.....but there is nothing wrong with owning up to your mistakes....

Lifes lessons sure can be difficult....