Bumblebee stripe or not?

Ultimatley it matters little what we all think.. They Plymouth purists say no stripe, the tired of the stripe crowd say no stripe, and personally to me the black top makes no difference, my Dart has a blacked out hood, black vinyl top and I still went with a stripe.. because I like the stripe... Im a huge fan of the stripe.. That being said, my vote for your car is no stripe (and it has nothing to do with being a Plymouth.. I mean who cares, its not like the Plymouth police are gonna come after you LOL) but rather I just think you car looks sweet without it.. Im with abodyjoe tho, I'd go body color on the wheels with dog dish hub caps... Or at the very least get the hub caps... the plain black wheel doesnt do much for me..

But there again, its not my car.. If you like it, thats all that matters my friend.. At the end of the day the only one that has to be happy is you...