Bumblebee stripe or not?

Thank you all who took the time to respond to my post. It is interesting that a few more people voted FOR the stripe (in the poll) but the huge majority of the comments were AGAINST the stripe.

It is funny how project ideas change once they evolve from ideas in your head into something real you can look at. For about a year I had a mental image of the car with black grill, roof, wheels, and stripe. Once the car got to where it is now, I started second guessing the stripe and that is why I asked.

Good thing I didn't start a poll about the wheels. No doubt they would have been voted off!

Like many of you said...Since it is my car, I should do what I like. The truth is that I like the black wheels with chrome lugs and beauty rings. I will probably look to pick up some dog dish caps to give me some options. But the wheels will stay black.

But, for the forseeable future the car stays the way it is - wheels as they appear and WITHOUT the stripe!