Daughters car flooded in storm

Oh I hear you all about the stuff I already crewed her but for the stuff in the car laptop and other items the car will be replaced I'm just upset as I just paid the dang car off last month now back to a car note. Her books and all not that worried about as she has finals next week so she will be dealing with getting notes and all her issue not mine. I guess I'm ole school if I take money from you I will do what I can to protect your property. There is no sign and I found out that the school knows the parking lot floods all the time no signs are posted and that is where the freshman dorms are so you have new kids parking where they are told to park but they fail to tell the kids buy the way the lot you are assigned to park in floods. So either get a wet car or a parking ticket for being parked where you are told to park. But they have some really goffey parking policies I have been reading up on them. You can only park in certain lots on certain days at certain times. O matter what time you have class if it is not your turn to park you have to park only in the lot you are allowed to at that time.
So long story short I'm mad at my Daughter as well as the school I feel they misrepresented them selfs by knowing and not informing the students and parents of the lot issues.
Anyway waiting for the insurance company to see what happens next