Speedo and trans issue

Thanks TrailBeast, If I've learned anything it's that if I have a fifty percent chance of doing something the wrong way I'll do just that about 100 percent of the time! I guess I'll have to let it drain so I can see what's going on huh? Do I have to remove the extension housing while I'm at it?

Eric D.

No, you don't have to remove it unless the speedo gear is busted up and you want to get the chunks out.

You might want to look up how to install the speedo gear housing.
It is determined by how many teeth the gear has, and if you look close you will see multple slots and numbers on the gear housing outer edges.

On the cable, note that the direction it needs to turn tightens the cable instead of unwinding it.
This pretty much only happens with speedo repair kits, as factory cables are assembled correctly.