How to start car with no key?

Here's some video we got this morning of the engine cranking and what not. By this point we have got new plugs, cap and rotor, points, condenser, oil and filter.

I tried moving the dizzy around (advancing, retarding) checked for TDC first cylinder 3 times. Checked for spark at first cylinder, I even tried putting in the dizzy 180 off thinking maybe it was already 180 off and by switching it maybe it would put it correct.

This first video is what happened when I put the dizzy in 180 off, it seemed to be doing better, it cranked better, and we would here like air puffing ***** from the exhaust, not sure if it's a cracked engine block or cracks on the exhaust or what not, I even got some exhaust coming out from the tail pipe.

There's seems to be some white smoke coming out from the breather on the valve cover and from the exhaust. Just little puffs of smoke.


The next video is of the engine when I put the dizzy in from what I believe is correct and TDC, but we get no action at all from the engine, it just cranks horribly and poorly. It acts better 180 off.


I'm not sure 100% what way it goes correctly without removing the timing chain cover and looking at the chain. I'm simply going by putting my finger over the #1 spark plug hole till it gets blown off and then looking at what I believe are the timing mark on the balancer.

Btw I did notice the no vacuum line on the intake which I put a plug on after the video.


67dart I will try that tomorrow, I'm beginning to think though that this motor is done. No idea how many miles, took valve covers off and it looked horrible. Absolutely horrible, old oil looked a little glittery in the sun, I'm thinking bearing probably.