Weird Groove on Converter snout/bad leak

HEy guys, My 904 was leaking badly,it was rebuilt 2 years ago.
Pulled it to change pump seal and found weird grooves on the converter snout, I've seen a groove around them from the seal before, but these grooves don't go completely around it. one side is completely smooth, the other 3/4 of it is grooved a little and not a perfect ring almost a little corkscrewed?
Obviously this where my leak is coming from, I dont recall the snout being this way when I installed the converter new 2 years ago, but I suppose there is a small chance it could possibly be flawed from the factory and I didnt notice? Or is it possible i have something bent? Car runs and drives great, no vibrations etc just leaks like a b*st*rd!...HELP!
