So long blue and hello new

This is what we are dealing with..a basic 2500 slt..and this is cheap around here..

68K before freight, shipping, etc.. plus 15% 82K before financing...

Here is a 3 year old model for 50K..

Do you feel my pain ? :)

It just may be the barrier to stop us moving up to a 5th wheel and buy a tag along.

I don't mind used but I have no sence of how many miles you can put on a diesel before you have to start throwing parts on it. We intend on doing long here to Az is 5K miles..

Sorry for butting into your thread..


No problem grassy,feel free to butt in anytime:D. The '06 I came out of has roughly 385,000 miles on it and never had any engine issues. Just the normal wear and tear like clutches and a transmission. The original alternator took a dump after 341,000 and still on the original injector pump and injectors.