As the duster bites the dust.

I had a 70 duster 340 in storage for the last fifteen years and after getting involved with this web site I was enthused enough to pull the duster out of storage. Only to find out the car I been storing is junk. Storage was not kind to it and I always knew it had issues because I used to daily drive it and i knew it came from out of state from a rust prone state. But I always assumed it could be fixed, no big deal. In reality it probably could have been fixed but sometimes the winner of the battle is he who dont go the battle in the first place.

I had another thread started to convince myself wether i should just forget the duster and move on to a cleaner car like my 69 dart which at the time i was convinced that the dart was somehow not as cool as the duster.

So then I moved in desperation to offer up a cuda notch for trade for a 70 duster roller to replace the faded glory, only to drive 300 miles and find no fullfillment.

So this morning I watched a buddy haul the sad remains of the duster which he is going to cut for parts and use the 340 to fix his demon. It was the right thing to do, she gave her life to save another, isnt that how it works in this world of survival of the fittest.

So now I am keeping the rally dash as a keepsake of happier times and moving on. I will be putting the effort into my old neglected dog of a 69 dart which is a good car and deserves better than she has ever got from me.

taps softly play as a 70 duster fades away.