Sorry Gang ... I KNOW

Lovely to have you back, and yes we were worried but I think everyone knows of some of your circumstances and I think we all felt the same...that you were busy with life and the many things in yours that are/were pressing for your time!!!

Now, as for those first few pics....are you sure you didn't beam those piles of stuff into my garage??? Mine garage strikingly similar to that...hopefully it will look like the latter pics soon as well!! I can hear in your words how much better you must be feeling now that some semblance of order has finally been restored!!

As for the powder flowing freely?? I knew there was something behind your secret to success, but never thought.....oops, I mean, can I sign up to be job #31?? SSVDP Rich has graciously offered to bring you my 66 dash frame!!! Maybe?? No rush on it, your call!!

Glad to have you back in the fold, we is needing some ladies back in our lives!!! Hugs from Nella and I, geof