74 Dart Sport Frankenstein

Why do you say that? They are out there. Look on Craigs List, I found two for 100 bucks each and built one for my 74 Dart Sport. It's a B body rear and it fits perfectly with the perches moved in to match the spring width. I took my time, gathered parts and rebuilt the center section. I now have an 8 3/4 3.55 sure grip in my car for a shade over 600 bucks.

One of the pluses was it moved the rear tires out enough to match the width of the front track. If you currently have the 7 1/4 look at the track width front and rear, the rear is narrower.

Because this is Texas and nothing about old cars is cheap here. Even the Pick n Pull junkyards are about a $150 for a plain old rear end. And all the guys with 8-3/4" rear ends on Craigslist are not selling them for $100. I was quoted $1000. BUT ANY OF YOU GUYS IN TEXAS THAT ARE WILLING TO SELL AN A-BODY 8-3/4" FOR $100, I WILL DOUBLE IT AND GIVE YOU $200. I'M WAITING PATIENTLY.

On a lighter note, I did buy a 8-3/4" housing today from an A body so that's a start.